Thursday, 27 November 2014


  DAYPEF weekly with Uncle Dan

I love to see people happy, I love to see people striving to improve on    whatever they are today. And I love to contribute a little to help them  achieve this and even faster than they would have on their own. I feel so happy whenever I do this.

One of the most FAQ I get from people is, how do I become excited at what am doing when there is no motivation or something to be happy about?
For a number of people, getting that spark into life or whatever they are doing is like out of this world. They really can’t figure out how to get passionate about anything, their job, pursuit, relationship or even about their life. The truth is, naturally, its easier not to have passion. Reality as it were, always seem to snuff out the slightest passion as it grows.

I like to say that like motivation, passion is an inside thing. One mistake a number of people make is to look outside for passion. Passion should and does resonates from the inside. Therefore, if you must be passionate about anything, it must come from the inside. When you have to look at  reality or to people (the outward) you will loose that brilliance that brings a spark to life.Obstacles will show up in the way of your passion, everything may seem to be out to discourage and drain and bore your life, and you may find nothing is what dieing for. Never mind, just dare to look inside.
To ignite your passion, here are a couple of things to consider.
Follow your heart The greatest encouragement I ever received  was wrapped up in the combination of these three simple words; “Follow your heart”. You can always count on your heart to guide you. Your heart will never deceive you.One of the wisest and greatest thinker of all time, King Solomon David said several years ago, “Above everything else, guard your heart. It is where your life comes from.
You may not always have the full picture or the blueprint, but your heart will always sniff in the direction of you purpose and destiny. Like Hunter S Thompson puts it, “Anything that gets your heart racing is probably worth doing.    
Do what you love Do what you love to do, do what you are excited about.Touch that spot. So, what is the spot, it’s, that which you like to do and just want to keep doing. Its that which turns on the enthusiasm in you. It makes you want to give more and think less of what you will get. Don’t waste your energy on anything thing else, just do it.Steve Jobs said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Identify the difference you want to make Identifying the difference you want to make is the chief source of passion. Introspect, have a thoughtful reevaluation of your purpose. When what you are doing is consistent with your life purpose growing your passion wont be a great deal. It will almost come naturally.
Recount past successes look back to some of the things you have achieved in the past, you will suddenly whelm with a new surge of energy.You don't have to be negative. Negativity will make you undermine you ability. Rather than focus on the failures, relish your self on the successes and  little achievements you’ve made in the past. Pick a pen and paper, take time to recount the little successes you’ve had, remember those seemingly impossible task you made come true. It doesn’t have to be some extraordinary fit; it might just be some little things. You cannot perform this exercise without being energized and being dazed at what you are capable of.
Its about you not others To grow your passion, your desire must be intense enough and your goals must be personal. They must be what you choose for yourself not what someone else wants for you or what you are doing to please someone in your life. Two days ago, I was scrolling through the gallery of a friend's mobile phone and I saw a picture with this write up,I was dyingFirst I was dying to finish high school and start college.And then I was dying to finish college and start working.And then I was dying to get married and have children.And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.And then I was dying to retire.And now, I am dying … and suddenly I realized I forgot to live.Live your life, don’t be compared to give in to others demand on you.The opposite of self is other. If you spend your life trying to satisfy others, you will one day wake up to the reality of a bored life – you’ve wasted your life. It doesn’t matter if people don’t believe in your dream now, your passionate pursuit of a vivid dream will soon expose their unbelief.John Wesley once said, “Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.
Serve service enables you to add value to the life of others. Service produces satisfaction and gives a sense of fulfillment that cannot be gotten by any other means. When your passion meets a need and makes someone happy, you can only get more passionate I promise you.

Be willing to look ridiculous Roger Von Oech said ‘if we never tried anything that might make us look ridiculous, we’d still be in caves.’Someone important in my life at the start of my career once said to me “Dan I thought you were a prospective young man with a great future, but I never knew you have made up your mind to waste your life”. I must have been absolutely ridiculous to him, but I was simply following my passion. Am glad today, he has realized I wasn’t wasting my life. Listen to what Deidra  wilson ... said, “Passion is the drunkenness of the mind.
Don’t be bothered by standing alone Jerry Hirshberg, in his book The creative Priority: Putting Innovation to Work in Your Business, saidNo one in a corporation deliberately sets out to stifle creative thought. Yet, a traditional bureaucratic structure, with its need for predictability, linear logic, conformance to accepted norms, and the dictates of the most recent “long-ranged” vision statement, is a nearly perfect idea-killing machine. People in groups regress toward the security of the familiar and the well-regulated. Even creative people do it. It’s easier. It avoids the ambiguity, the fear of unpredictability, the threat of the unfamiliar, and the messiness of intuition and human emotion. Following your passion could mean doing the unusual. It could involve not being sure of a number of things, even the next step. That is big risk, similar to jumping into a river you have no knowledge of its dept. You can be sure nobody wants to jump with you. Like Jerry said, not even the most creative people want to do that. Be willing to stand alone.
Friend, if you must do anything, do it with passion. Like someone noted, passion triumphs all else and without it life is nothing

Danaky Young People Enlightenment Foundation - DAYPEF...Creating values

Monday, 3 November 2014


DAYPEF weekly with Uncle Dan

Hi, my name is Uncle Dan and am your friend. One thing drives me, and that is, to help you become all that you can ever be, faster and easier than you would have if you never met me.

Join me today as share with you the incredible difference passion can make in your life and career. 
So, PASSION, what is it?
Just as we get started, I would ask you to perform this simple exercise.
Say the word passion to yourself. Say it again.
Now, say  the word passion again, but this time say it with PASSION. What did you observe? Most likely you put life into your saying passion. Not because I did anything in particular to make you to, but because you have to say it with passion.
That is exactly what passion is; it is what gives life to any endeavor. Passion is what makes life exciting and worth living. It brings enthusiasm to live and make any venture a worthwhile. In essence, life would be boring without passion. Passion is that element that makes a course meaningful. It is the microscope that over blows the benefit of a thing, while completely ignoring it challenges and non benefits.
Someone said, ‘’passion is that craze factor in me that removes sleep from my eyes and eliminate  boredom from me, it is the love factor of my love for what I love doing’’.
The truth is nothing meaningful can be achieved without passion. If you’ve ever tried to figure out what in particular made the countless numbers of great men, who have passed through this world, great, you would observe it was their passion. If you’ve ever
listen to them, you find very strong in their voice the passion for what they stood for. Its like a burning fire, its the soul of any meaningful achievement. You see, it in every step, every word, every action and indeed everything they do. Most importantly, they live their passion.
What makes passion so significant is that it cannot be hidden, it cannot be caged and it cannot be ignored. It has the capacity to plunge through obstacles and barriers and still get going. Passion sees only solution and possibilities. Anything done with passion can only be done very well. It is your guarantee for satisfaction. As one speaker puts it, “The saddest people I have ever met in life are the ones who don’t care deeply about anything at all. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand and without them any happiness is only temporal, because there is nothing to make it last”.
Do you aspire to a life of productivity and satisfaction? Then you must embrace passion for whatever you are doing.
Passion will wake up your creative mind, it will show you another way to keep moving. Be on fire and you will just realize you can do much more than you ever thought possible. One amazing thing about passion is that it is contagious, it can spread quickly in your team. It can adjust your attitude and that of your team, upward and forward. It can give you the next sale, it can figure out the solution, it can just give you the next ‘miracle’.
Be gingered, be enthusiastic, be passionate. What ever you cannot have passion for is not worth your time. Life is too short to waste it on what you cannot die for. In essence, am saying  you should live your passion. In the end you would just be happy you did.
Its your life, live it, stand tall, be you!

My passion is to help people especially young people to become all they can be faster and easier than they would have if they never met me.

Danaky Young People Enlightenment Foundation - DAYPEF
...Creating values